
Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Hello There, Aleki here but please, Call me Adi. [Ah-Dee] It's a nickname I got from my Mom saying "Adi" to me as a baby and I'd laugh every time she said it. to the point where I was laughing so hard it looked like I was in pain, so naturally thats what they called me for the rest of my life.

But enough about me.

What is this? this is my new blog, what is this blog about? its about: COLOR, Color in movies.

I'll be posting videos and podcasts explaining the importance of color, what colors do, what they represent and how they help set the atmosphere of the scene, (like how whenever Neo is in the Matrix, everything has a greenish shade to it.) little things like that.

Again I'm new at this, so this will be a learning experience for the both of us.
So here we are and here we go.